First and foremost I need to give a HUGE thank you to Lacie Messerly who selected me for the Liebster Blog Award!!!! I had no clue what it was until she clued me in and now I find myself full of smug pride that she honored me as one of her choices. This is why I love Lacie...she always feeds my ego. Plus she is smart, driven, and smokin' hot!
So what is the Liebster Blog Award you ask??
I decided to look it up on Google after I read a post on Lacie's blog and saw that is what she did. I am totally a copy cat like that! And just like Lacie, I found that Liebster is German and it basically means favorite. The whole idea for this award is to spotlight blogs that you love but that have less than 200 followers. I should be hurt that I do not have more than 200 followers but then how would I qualify for the Liebster Blog Award? It is double-edged sword.
Upon accepting the Liebster Blog Award, you are asked to:
1: Thank the giver, mention them, and link back to their blog.
2: Publicly choose 5 blogs you would like to give the award to, and leave a comment letting them know.
3:Copy and past the award to your blog.
4: Ask those that you pass the award on to also pass it on to their 5 favorite blogs with under 200 followers.
So what is the Liebster Blog Award you ask??
I decided to look it up on Google after I read a post on Lacie's blog and saw that is what she did. I am totally a copy cat like that! And just like Lacie, I found that Liebster is German and it basically means favorite. The whole idea for this award is to spotlight blogs that you love but that have less than 200 followers. I should be hurt that I do not have more than 200 followers but then how would I qualify for the Liebster Blog Award? It is double-edged sword.
Upon accepting the Liebster Blog Award, you are asked to:
1: Thank the giver, mention them, and link back to their blog.
2: Publicly choose 5 blogs you would like to give the award to, and leave a comment letting them know.
3:Copy and past the award to your blog.
4: Ask those that you pass the award on to also pass it on to their 5 favorite blogs with under 200 followers.
So all of this being said I am hoping that most of you are still with me and will enjoy the following blogs:
The Bitterman Blah Blah Blog: This is a blog done my lovely cousin Jennifer. She started this when she moved to New York so that we could keep up with her family. She is funny and takes wonderful pictures which is understandable when she has an adorable little girl. Even though she has moved back to Utah now and I wish she would keep updating because I love the way she writes.
Cheeky Gal: This is a blog my completely adorable friend Whitney! I read it while she was overseas for school and now as she has become a married woman. She is one of the most charming and sweet people I have EVER met and it totally comes through it her writing. If you want a little ray of sunshine in your day just read her blog.
The Peanut Press: If I could be a stay-at-home Mom I would want to be just like my friend Sarah. She loves her family so much it proudly displays it on her blog. And she has a list of books that she is reading that I always turn to when I am looking for a good book.
Utah Valley Foodie: To my friends in Utah County, if you are not reading Janey's blog then you are crazy! Not only is she a wonderful writer but the photos she takes are stunning. I check her blog daily for updates because I NEVER want to miss a post. Janey's talent is obvious as is her passion for good eats!
The Schilling Clan: This is my long time friend Ashley's blog where she posts all about her children and her life. Ashley is such a strong and dedicated mother and I love reading all about the fun times she has with her family.
So there you have it! My 5 nominations for the Liebster Blog Award. I hope you enjoy them all as much as I do! Much love and thanks again to Lacie for the nomination. This really was fun!
YAY!!! Totally cheezy, but really fun right??? I really like it!!
Oh, and thanks for the "smokin hot" shout out...makes me feel 18 again! haha!
WOW Rach!!! Thank you! ha ha I obviously am an amateur blogger as I just saw your comment about my special award. :) That was very sweet of you and I am going to pass it along. P.S. I LOVED your christmas card. Is there an award for cutest family? if so you win. MISS YOU!!!
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