My poor Bubba has been sick the past few days. He had a viral throat infection that was causing pain and irritation and a fever. It was also causing two very worn out parents. Gabe hasn’t been sleeping well or eating well. He has been grumpy and difficult. And when he normally has such a sweet and funny disposition, this complete 180 makes it a hard adjustment for Mom & Dad.
But I found that even when he doesn’t feel 100%, a balloon from the store will always being a big smile!

And the doctor’s office is even getting wise and while we were waiting they gave him some apple juice.

He is on the mend and I hope better by Thanksgiving because…I am making the WHOLE MEAL myself! Eeep! I want him feeling better so he can enjoy (or suffer through) this huge milestone right along with me.
1 comment:
He is getting so big!!! I love it!!
I will be sending you some kitchen loves from Eagle Mountain....I will also be cooking all of Turkey dinner for 8 family members....
I will call you around 2 to see if you have pizza on order - because I just might!!
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