Saturday, March 27, 2010

Parks & Rec

Today we went to Veterans Memorial Park in West Jordan. It was the nicest day we have had so far this year and we decided to take the kids to the park. The playground at this park is the most amazing park and Sera loves it so much. There is so much for her to play with and she runs until she drops.

I tooks lots of pictures and these are some of my favorites. This is one of Ryan pushing Gabe in the swing.

And Ryan was kind enough to snap this one of Gabe and I. I think Ryan and I were having more fun with the swing than Gabe was. He just seemed cold and would occasionally crack a tiny smile because we were dancing around like idiots trying to entertain him.

And here is a close up of Gabe-zilla having his first ride in a swing.

And finally this is such an AMAZING picture of Sera! I wish I could take the credit but Ryan was the one to get this. And it was hard because when Sera knows she is on camera she will act cheesey and silly. So he spent quite some time secretly snapping pictures and caught her here having so much fun! And honestly, this is one of my most favorite pictures of Sera EVER!

It was such a nice day and I am glad the weather is starting to get better so that we can have more days just like this.

1 comment:

Baby Mama said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun!