Friday night was our most relaxing night. We hung out, watched some movies, and just didn’t do much at all. It was cool because Ryan and I have been so busy the last few weekends that it was nice to have a night to ourselves.
But then Saturday was Ryan’s 26th birthday. You can call him old if you want to-I do! We decided back in January that for his birthday we were going to go to Wendover and see the Beach Boys in concert. IF any of you know Ryan, he is secretly a 50-year-old man trapped inside a 26-year-old body which explains why he enjoys this type of music. And again, don’t misinterpret what I am saying-I had fun at the concert. But I went because Ryan really wanted to go. (I mean, the guy suffers opera for me. I can’t deny him a little Beach Boys!)
We got to Wendover around 2:30 and after Ryan acted very manly and stood up to the woman at the front desk who wanted to give him a smoking room when Ry specifically asked for NON-SMOKING, we got checked in and headed upstairs. I am not kidding when I tell you that our room was decorated with fake palm trees and iridescent purple taffeta. I looked like the type of hotel room you would expect to see in bad 70’s porn. But it was better than the “Hepatitis Hotel” (a.k.a. The Red Garter) which is where we stayed the last time we went out to Wendover for a concert. At that hotel, I didn’t walk around barefoot and I cut my leg on the bed frame which then look over 3 weeks to heal-I think I almost got gangrene. At least the room at the Montego Bay was clean and didn’t look like it may have been the scene of some gruesome crime. (The room we were in at Hepatitis Hotel had a very large square of carpet cut out!)
We proceeded to gamble for a couple hours where I came out 45 dollars ahead and Ryan came out 60 dollars down. The blackjack table was not being kind to him and it was his birthday, the bastards! After the gambling, Mom, Dad, Becca, Spencer, Ry, and I went to (Surprise! Surprise!) a buffet dinner. My issues with buffets don’t have anything to do with the food; my issue is that if I am going to pay $16.95 plus tax for a meal, I better be served by the cast of Friends on gold plates. I am not cheap, nor am I lazy. I am willing to pay a lot more than that for a really nice dinner. But for a buffet, I think it’s a little absurd. Not to mention, they didn’t have cucumbers on the salad bar!
After dinner we needed to kill about 45 minutes so five of us went over to play Keno, one of us went to play more blackjack. (Bet you can’t guess which group Ryan was with? Here’s a hint, it wasn’t keno!) After five games of keno, Ryan down another 40 dollars, and no alcohol, we head over to the concert hall.
The concert itself was great! Even I have to admit that it was fun and I was not really excited about it. But we were singing most of the songs and dancing around. Spencer was especially into it which was a pretty entertaining sight by itself. The lead singer was really funny and interacted with the crowd really well. There was even this crazy drunk lady that kept running around that they let come up on stage. She would totally be groupie if they had been interested, if you know what I mean. (That picture is of the Beach Boys-I SWEAR!)

After the concert Ry and I played blackjack until about 1:30. By the end of the night I had lost the 40 dollars I had won but hadn’t lost any of my money that I brought. Ryan on the other hand, was down well over $100 by this point. He was having zero luck! I was doing pretty well. And if any of you know Ryan, you know he does not like to be out done so he was kind of cranky.
The next morning we got up and went to a breakfast buffet. (I will spare you another buffet rant at this time.) And then Bec and Spencer left for home while the remaining 4 gambled a little more and then left for home. At the end of our trip, we had all lost money. I came back $40 down, Ryan $150, and Mom and Dad lost too. I am not sure why on Earth people gamble! But it is what Ryan wanted to do for his birthday so I went along with it. I would go along with most anything Ryan wanted to do, with exception of animal sacrifice.
All in all it was a good weekend. We saw the new Indian Jones movie on Sunday which was entertaining, despite what Ryan thinks. And Monday we went and cleaned my grandparents and great-grandparents headstones. We also played Yahtzee and had a very pleasant evening with Becca, Spencer, and my parents.
As far as I know, Ryan had a great birthday. He got to hang out with me, go to Wendover, and see the Beach Boys. I love that guy so much and I am glad that he had a good weekend. He is a very special person and even though he is either acting like he is 50 or 5-year-old, I can never get enough of him. So happy birthday again Ryan! Here’s to another strange, but fun year!
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