This past week has been very busy for my family. With mostly fun and happy moments but also a sad one. I will start with that because I feel it is the respectful thing to do.
On Monday morning my Grandma Diane's older sister, my Aunt Ruth, passed away. I didn't know my Aunt Ruth as well as my sister or my brother did, but the moments I did share with her were often filled with laughs and fun. I mean, how can it not be fun when you hear a woman in her late 80's talking about Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation? She was intelligent, kind, and hard-working. And I know that she will be missed by many people.
That being said last week was crammed with BIG events. Starting with my sister graduating from the University of Utah with...are you ready for this Internet? HER MASTERS! I KNOW! HOLY SHIT! I am so incredibly proud of her and all the hard work she has put into this. She is smarter than she gives herself credit for. And I know that she is going to take her MSW and change lives. She truly is making a difference and is doing good in this world.

But of course this night was really about me...

And of course, it wasn't just me that was there-Gabe and Ryan came along to show their support to Becca. I mean look at Gabe stare at his Aunt Becca in awe!

And then Saturday marked a HUGE moment for my parents as they were married in the Manti Temple. I am happy for my parents to reaching this goal that at one point in time, seemed like it would never happen. I know how much this means to them and I cannot truly express how happy I am for them. They have both worked very hard to get here and that says A LOT about them.
After they were sealed in the temple, we all went to my Aunt Wynn's dairy farm in Sterling, UT. Sera enjoyed all the cows and climbing on the hay. I was worried that she was going to have allergy issues but she did just fine. She played and ran so much that she slept almost the whole 2 hours for our drive home. I only hope that we will be able to go back before she gets so old that a day on the dairy farm won't be so cool anymore.

And of course Gabe had fun too. Here we see one baby bonding with another baby. Shortly after I took this picture the cow licked his face. NASTY! He didn't seem to care about it nearly as much as I did.

And here is a picture of my family outside the Manti Temple. I know this picture is a little out of order but oh well! My blog! Sadly this is the best picture I have of all of us together that. Please forgive the blurriness of the photo. But just look at how happy my Dad looks? That right there is priceless.

Thanks to everyone for a great week! I love you all and will post again soon!