I am finally getting to post about the wonderful trip that Ry and I made to Montana for Easter weekend. We left early on Friday morning with Gabe and Sera loaded in the back seat and made the 7 & 1/2 hour drive to Butte, Montana. Ryan's parents made a long drive, about 4 hours, from their home in Billings, Montana as well. We all met Ryan's brother in Butte so that we could spend some time together.
This is the second time I have been in Butte on Easter and it is so much fun. I really enjoy going to Butte and it is a nice meeting point for all of us. Ry and I would love to be able to spend more time with Ryan's family but find it hard with work and now 2 kids that we have to load up and get there in one piece.
The drive to and from Montana was good and we didn't encounter any issues. The weather was great, the kids did AMAZING (this was Gabe's first long car ride), and my Escape made it without exploding.
We ate, we went swimming, we played games, and most importantly, we got to spend some quality time with the Baker side of our family. Like I said, we feel bad that we don't get to see them as often so we honestly do cherish what little time we do get.
So here are some of my favorite pictures from our visit. And I am going to give credit where credit is due: most of these were taken by Scott and Linda. I left my camera at home and our video camera doesn't take great pictures. So thanks to Scott and Linda for such a wonderful weekend. We love you guys and miss you. And thanks to Todd for being such a great host. We hope to see you all again very soon!!!

Grandpa Scott, Grandma Linda, Sera, and Gabe on Easter morning in the hotel room.
Sera & Gabe in their adorable Easter outfits.

The Baker Family on Easter Morning-April 4, 2010