Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I like to hop hop hop...
Yes, this Sera. Yes, she is wearing a kangaroo costume. And no, I have no idea what is she is doing. But dang it, I thought it was so cute that I am posting it on here for everyone to enjoy! (Thanks to my sister Becca for the video.)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Just some chalk art right?

Ever since Sera has been home Ryan and I have tried to do things that are fun that don’t involve the television. We are not perfect (Yes I know this comes as a shock to most of you!) And so occasionally we let her watch Sponge Bob Square Pants. But in our defense, it is usually in the early morning hours where we are better off sleeping than trying to entertain her. Our idea of entertainment for her at 6:30 on Saturday mornings is “Okay Sera lay still in the dark and try to count the spots on the ceiling.” So I would say Sponge Bob is better for everyone involved.
This past weekend, however, the three of us along with my sister Becca and her hubby Spencer attended the 6th Annual Utah Foster Care Foundation Chalk Art Festival. I thought it would be this cute and pretty rinky-dink little gathering with kids drawing giant sunshines and out-lining each other. Oh how wrong I was! This thing was ridiculous! The artists were absolutely AMAZING! I don’t think Sera was nearly as impressed with the very large masterpieces that people were drawing, on the cement, WITH CHALK! But Ryan, Becca, Spencer, and I could only stare in awe. They blow that crappy flower I drew on my driveway at home completely out of the water!
My guess is there were almost 70 works of art there. There were all sorts of artists ranging from people drawing Disney or comic book characters to others literally redoing famous works of art. Some of the ones I wanted to get pictures of were just too crowded with other people so I couldn’t get a great shot. But I’ll post some of the other great works that I was able to sneak in a quick picture of.
We loved being out in the sunshine together while getting to look at all the great art! We really enjoyed ourselves and appreciate the opportunity to help with such a great cause. The Utah Foster Care Foundation really does a great job! I’ll post the link which talks about the festival and gives you last year’s winners. Check back in a week or so and maybe they will have this year’s winners posted. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we did! http://www.utahfostercare.org/chalkartfestival.html
This past weekend, however, the three of us along with my sister Becca and her hubby Spencer attended the 6th Annual Utah Foster Care Foundation Chalk Art Festival. I thought it would be this cute and pretty rinky-dink little gathering with kids drawing giant sunshines and out-lining each other. Oh how wrong I was! This thing was ridiculous! The artists were absolutely AMAZING! I don’t think Sera was nearly as impressed with the very large masterpieces that people were drawing, on the cement, WITH CHALK! But Ryan, Becca, Spencer, and I could only stare in awe. They blow that crappy flower I drew on my driveway at home completely out of the water!
My guess is there were almost 70 works of art there. There were all sorts of artists ranging from people drawing Disney or comic book characters to others literally redoing famous works of art. Some of the ones I wanted to get pictures of were just too crowded with other people so I couldn’t get a great shot. But I’ll post some of the other great works that I was able to sneak in a quick picture of.
We loved being out in the sunshine together while getting to look at all the great art! We really enjoyed ourselves and appreciate the opportunity to help with such a great cause. The Utah Foster Care Foundation really does a great job! I’ll post the link which talks about the festival and gives you last year’s winners. Check back in a week or so and maybe they will have this year’s winners posted. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we did! http://www.utahfostercare.org/chalkartfestival.html
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
One year older and wiser too...

One year older and wiser too…
Traditionally the next line in that song would be “Happy Birthday, to you!” but I choose to use it in celebration of Ryan’s and my first year anniversary. That’s right all you non-believers, we made it an entire year! (Okay so there weren’t many non-believers to my knowledge but I like to be dramatic. BIG SHOCK!) I didn’t go crazy or become an Emo in the almost seven months that Ryan was in Iraq nor have I gone insane from watching countless episodes of anime or cheesy Troma movies. (Any of you that know Troma, know my pain!) And Ryan is still a very manly man despite all the chick flicks, reality TV, and the many days of PMS where I was more she-devil than wife.
We both had many people tell us that the first year is always the hardest. And you would think with the being apart for the majority of it, the moving of his daughter, my surgery, and some of the other things that have happened we might be ready to punch each other in the kidneys. However, I think that compared to what I have seen some people go through, we had it easy. And if this was supposed to be the hardest, then I am really excited for the easy parts.
And Ryan, how can I even express how I feel about him? I love him so much it makes my heart feel weak. He still gives me butterflies when I see him. He still sends me flowers (yes even when he was in Iraq, he sent me roses!) all the time. He took such good care of me after I had my surgery. Even while suffering the loss of Grandmother Ryan found a way to be in Montana with his family and the right back here taking care of me. He called me nearly every day while he was in Iraq which wasn’t always easy or convenient for him but he did it because he never wanted me to have unnecessary stress. And above all, he puts up with me! I know I am opinionated and stubborn and Ryan just smiles, tells me to calm down, and works with me to find a solution. He rarely gets so upset with me that I can see the frustration. Most of the time, he just lets it all go and keeps on loving me, knowing that I will get over it.
Ryan has been my rock for a long time now and I cannot imagine any other man treating me as good as he does. He is romantic and thoughtful even though he doesn’t think he does enough. He is loyal and trustworthy. He puts up with me getting jealous when he talks about the 40-year-old women at his work who I picture looking more like 20-something Playboy bunnies than 40-something soccer moms. And more than anything else, Ryan’s love is truly unconditional. Who could really dream of anything more?
So our relationship is now one year older and I think we both are wiser too. We still love each other even through the “bad” times. We don’t go to bed angry. We always try to help each other out and remember to say thank you. And we tell each other we love each other every day. (And we mean it!)
Traditionally the next line in that song would be “Happy Birthday, to you!” but I choose to use it in celebration of Ryan’s and my first year anniversary. That’s right all you non-believers, we made it an entire year! (Okay so there weren’t many non-believers to my knowledge but I like to be dramatic. BIG SHOCK!) I didn’t go crazy or become an Emo in the almost seven months that Ryan was in Iraq nor have I gone insane from watching countless episodes of anime or cheesy Troma movies. (Any of you that know Troma, know my pain!) And Ryan is still a very manly man despite all the chick flicks, reality TV, and the many days of PMS where I was more she-devil than wife.
We both had many people tell us that the first year is always the hardest. And you would think with the being apart for the majority of it, the moving of his daughter, my surgery, and some of the other things that have happened we might be ready to punch each other in the kidneys. However, I think that compared to what I have seen some people go through, we had it easy. And if this was supposed to be the hardest, then I am really excited for the easy parts.
And Ryan, how can I even express how I feel about him? I love him so much it makes my heart feel weak. He still gives me butterflies when I see him. He still sends me flowers (yes even when he was in Iraq, he sent me roses!) all the time. He took such good care of me after I had my surgery. Even while suffering the loss of Grandmother Ryan found a way to be in Montana with his family and the right back here taking care of me. He called me nearly every day while he was in Iraq which wasn’t always easy or convenient for him but he did it because he never wanted me to have unnecessary stress. And above all, he puts up with me! I know I am opinionated and stubborn and Ryan just smiles, tells me to calm down, and works with me to find a solution. He rarely gets so upset with me that I can see the frustration. Most of the time, he just lets it all go and keeps on loving me, knowing that I will get over it.
Ryan has been my rock for a long time now and I cannot imagine any other man treating me as good as he does. He is romantic and thoughtful even though he doesn’t think he does enough. He is loyal and trustworthy. He puts up with me getting jealous when he talks about the 40-year-old women at his work who I picture looking more like 20-something Playboy bunnies than 40-something soccer moms. And more than anything else, Ryan’s love is truly unconditional. Who could really dream of anything more?
So our relationship is now one year older and I think we both are wiser too. We still love each other even through the “bad” times. We don’t go to bed angry. We always try to help each other out and remember to say thank you. And we tell each other we love each other every day. (And we mean it!)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Dear Sera

Dear Sera:
Oh Sera-Bear! I love having you home with your father and me, finally. I forget how much you make me laugh. I always seem to get so involved with your father when you are in Arizona that by the time we get to see you again, my love for you explodes like a soda can in a freezer. I suddenly remember how funny you are and how much you love, well, everyone.
You have only been with us for about 4 days and already I can feel a change in the whole house. People are nicer because we always want to be setting the best example for you. Everyone seems to laugh and smile more. (Everyone also seems to be a little more tired at the end of the day.) I have also heard so many knock-knock jokes that my head might implode. The one you laughed over for a good ten minutes last night:
Oh Sera-Bear! I love having you home with your father and me, finally. I forget how much you make me laugh. I always seem to get so involved with your father when you are in Arizona that by the time we get to see you again, my love for you explodes like a soda can in a freezer. I suddenly remember how funny you are and how much you love, well, everyone.
You have only been with us for about 4 days and already I can feel a change in the whole house. People are nicer because we always want to be setting the best example for you. Everyone seems to laugh and smile more. (Everyone also seems to be a little more tired at the end of the day.) I have also heard so many knock-knock jokes that my head might implode. The one you laughed over for a good ten minutes last night:
-Knock knock?
-Who’s there?
-Joe who?
-Joe blue. I’m a slew.
I am guessing that it was your impeccable rhyming skills or simply the silliness of that joke that amused you so. I laughed, not because your joke was really that funny in the “Comedy Central” way, but because you were laughing. I love how you find humor in the simple things.
You are also very helpful. Even though sometimes we have to ask you eight times before you’ll even acknowledge your father or I are standing there, you always do it eventually. You are even dressing yourself in the mornings as long as I set your clothes out for you the night before-your father isn’t even that good. (Joking Ryan!)
I hope that you are enjoying your time with us. I don’t take offense that every night you want your Dad to read you your bedtime story because I get to do so many other things for you. I am just grateful that when that story is over and we have said our bedtime prayer, you always give me a hug and kiss and tell me you love me. I could have never imagined just how wonderful that makes me feel.
You are a brilliant and talented little girl and I see more and more of your Dad in you all the time. I hope you know how lucky you are to have such an amazing father who gave you such amazing genetics. And this summer, I hope that I am able to help you grow and become an even better person.
So someday, when you read this note from me, I hope you smile knowing how much I love spending this precious and all-too-brief time with you. Even when you ask awkward questions like, “When are you and Daddy going to have a little sister for me?” it makes me happy. And having you around, makes me want to have more kids, so you never know…you may get the answer to that question sooner than we all think.
Your Dad and I love you so much Sera! And this summer is going to bring us all so much happiness and fun.
Love always,
Your Other Mom a.k.a Rach
-Who’s there?
-Joe who?
-Joe blue. I’m a slew.
I am guessing that it was your impeccable rhyming skills or simply the silliness of that joke that amused you so. I laughed, not because your joke was really that funny in the “Comedy Central” way, but because you were laughing. I love how you find humor in the simple things.
You are also very helpful. Even though sometimes we have to ask you eight times before you’ll even acknowledge your father or I are standing there, you always do it eventually. You are even dressing yourself in the mornings as long as I set your clothes out for you the night before-your father isn’t even that good. (Joking Ryan!)
I hope that you are enjoying your time with us. I don’t take offense that every night you want your Dad to read you your bedtime story because I get to do so many other things for you. I am just grateful that when that story is over and we have said our bedtime prayer, you always give me a hug and kiss and tell me you love me. I could have never imagined just how wonderful that makes me feel.
You are a brilliant and talented little girl and I see more and more of your Dad in you all the time. I hope you know how lucky you are to have such an amazing father who gave you such amazing genetics. And this summer, I hope that I am able to help you grow and become an even better person.
So someday, when you read this note from me, I hope you smile knowing how much I love spending this precious and all-too-brief time with you. Even when you ask awkward questions like, “When are you and Daddy going to have a little sister for me?” it makes me happy. And having you around, makes me want to have more kids, so you never know…you may get the answer to that question sooner than we all think.
Your Dad and I love you so much Sera! And this summer is going to bring us all so much happiness and fun.
Love always,
Your Other Mom a.k.a Rach
Monday, June 2, 2008
Strut Your What?

We had to be at the park at freaking 8 am to get registered. I was not so happy about that but it was okay. Once we got there and got checked in, we had a few minutes to kill so we wandered around and look at all the different dogs. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have been surprised if there had been over 2000 people there with their dogs. Barney, who has a tendency to be a chicken, seemed to be pretty good with all the other dogs. I was worried he would spend the entire walk trying to escape from all the other dogs.

The walk itself was great. Sugarhouse Park is the perfect place to hold such an event. The walk itself is mile and a half and it took us about 45 minutes to complete. Sera wanted to stop and pet the other dogs. Barney had to keep stopping to take a drink or to try and scratch off the orange bandana that we tied around his neck. (He had to wear it! It was his Strut Your Mutt uniform!)
After we finished the walk there were a bunch of booths set up you could walk around and look at. Most of them involved doggy daycare or grooming services. There was a cute little booth for a place called Pupcakes. (I cannot find their contact info anywhere or else I would put it up.) It is this bakery that makes all sorts of adorable dog treats! They look so good. We bought some carob-covered dog bones for Barney and my sister and my cousin both almost ate one, thinking they were cookies. There were also these cute little cupcake that Sera wanted to eat as well but they were bacon-cheddar flavored so…we didn’t go there.
I think that everyone had a great time and it was a really fun way to start off our summer with Sera. Everyone was really tired by the time we left, even Barney. He fell asleep as soon as we got in the car! I am glad that the three of us we able to support such a great cause and I look forward to participating again next year!
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